December – Cold Moon

The December Full Moon, also known as the Cold Moon or Long Night Moon, holds a special significance for Wiccans and other pagan traditions. It is a time of spiritual reflection, gratitude, and celebration of the turning of the Wheel of the Year.

Wiccans follow a lunar calendar and recognize the phases of the moon as important markers of the changing seasons and cycles of life. The Full Moon is a time of heightened energy, when the power of the Goddess is strongest, and magic is believed to be most effective.

In December, the Full Moon falls near the Winter Solstice, the longest night of the year. This is a time of deep introspection, as we turn inward to reflect on the year that has passed and set intentions for the year ahead. It is also a time to honor the darkness and the mysteries of the unknown, as we await the return of the light.

For Wiccans, the December Full Moon is a time to connect with the energy of the Goddess in her aspect as the Crone, the wise and experienced elder who holds the secrets of the universe. The Crone represents the end of the life cycle and the beginning of the next, and is associated with death, rebirth, and transformation.

During this time, Wiccans may perform rituals and spells to release negative energy, banish unwanted influences, and set intentions for the coming year. They may also work with crystals, herbs, and other tools to amplify their energy and focus their intention.

One common practice during the December Full Moon is to create a gratitude altar, where Wiccans can express their appreciation for the blessings in their lives and ask for guidance and support from the Goddess. This may involve lighting candles, burning incense, or offering symbolic gifts such as flowers, fruit, or stones.

Another tradition is to perform a Yule ritual, honoring the return of the Sun and the hope of new beginnings. This may involve lighting a Yule log, decorating a tree or wreath with symbolic objects, or sharing a feast with loved ones.

Regardless of the specific practices involved, the December Full Moon is a time of deep spiritual significance for Wiccans and other pagans. It is a time to honor the cycles of life and the mysteries of the universe, and to connect with the wisdom and power of the Goddess.

In conclusion, the December Full Moon holds great importance for Wiccans, as it marks a time of deep spiritual reflection, gratitude, and celebration of the turning of the Wheel of the Year. It is a time to connect with the energy of the Goddess as the Crone, to release negative energy and set intentions for the coming year, and to honor the darkness and the mysteries of the unknown. May the power of the December Full Moon bring blessings and abundance to all who seek its guidance.

Other Names: Aerra Geola (Month Before Yule), Big Winter Moon, Heilagmanoth (Holy Month), Long Night’s Moon, Moon of Long Nights, Moon of Popping Trees, Oak Moon, Wintermonat (Winter Month), Wolf Moon
Nature Spirits: Snow Faeries, Storm Faeries, Winter Tree Faeries
Herbs: English Ivy, Fir, Holly, Mistletoe
Colors: Black, Blood Red, White
Flowers: Christmas Cactus, Holly, Poinsettia
Scents: Frankincense, Lilac, Myrrh, Patchouli, Rose Geranium, Violet
Stones: Jacinth, Peridot, Serpentine
Trees: Fir, Holly, Pine
Animals: Bear, Deer, Horse, Mouse
Birds: Robin, Rook, Snowy Owl
Deities: Athene, Fates, Hathor, Hecate, Ixchel, Minerva, Neith, Norns, Osiris
Power Flow: To endure, die, be reborn; Earth tides turning. Darkness. Personal alchemy. Spiritual paths. Reach out to friends and family, the lonely and needy.