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Arcane Arts 3

Arcane Arts 2

November 2023

? Embracing the crisp embrace of November, we find ourselves amidst nature’s grand finale, where the vibrant hues of autumn…

Arcane Arts 1 Wicca and Witchcraft

[INTRODUCTION] Host: “Hello, everyone! Welcome to arcane Arts, I am your host, Rev. Jedite. This weekly show is ment to…

Musings of a Technomage

Musings of a Technomage By: Jedite83 ( I have been a practicing Wiccan and witch for more than 20 years…

October 2023

Welcome to October 2023, the bewitching month when the air turns crisp, and the world transforms into a canvas of…

Jedite Pagan Vlog Logo

Jedite’s Pagan Vlog 57

Blessed be, beloved community, Today, we gather to contemplate one of the most profound aspects of our Wiccan practice –…

Jedite Pagan Vlog Logo

Jedite’s Pagan Vlog 56

Blessed be, dear brothers and sisters of the Wiccan community, gathered here today to reflect on the sacred virtue of…

Jedite Pagan Vlog Logo

Jedite’s Pagan Vlog 55

Blessed be, dear friends and fellow seekers of the Craft. Today, we come together to explore the sacred virtue of…